Hi, I'm Sully. I went to school at Monsters University and my major is Communications. My friend Mike and I are going to be talking about interpersonal communication. Interpersonal communication can be described as symbols used to stand for ideas in order to make up meaning and create a bond with other people [1]. Just like the conversation you could have with your classmate who sits next to you, say "hi!" Saying hi is a symbol that greets or starts a conversation. Your classmate would receive this message and say "hi" back.
Most commonly in interpersonal communication, it is two people talking face-to-face. This can be described as a dyad. When my best friend Mike and I are talking and shaking hands and talking to each other, you could consider this dyadic communication, because we are just two monsters having a chat!
Mike and I are introducing ourselves using the transactional
model of communication.
As Mike and I are talking we are exchanging symbols which each us of are interpreting and then relaying a message back to the other. In the picture to the right, I am introducing myself while reaching out my hand. Mike is receiving the message, introducing himself back and sending a message back to me. This can be described as the transactional model of communication. Two people are sending messages back and forth, almost like passing notes with words and pictures. We attach meaning to these symbols which we make sense of in our heads to add into the conversation. The things we choose to add to the conversation should follow the social rules. Social rules can be described as a list of rules to follow in a conversation that prevent you from saying things that do not belong in the conversation[1]. If you have conversation with your friend about something serious you are going to want your friend to react the right way. If they start dancing a laughing, this is breaking the social rules.
You wouldn't want your friend to start dancing if you needed to talk about something serious! |
Sometimes you communicate without even talking! How you ask? It's called nonverbal communication. This can be defined as communicating through your actions [1]. Have you ever heard the phrase "actions speak louder than words?" It's true! One way our nonverbal communication can be expressed is through body language. This can be crossing your arms when you're angry, biting your nails when nervous or even tilting your head when you're confused, like Boo down below!
Boo is tilting her head to symbolize that she is confused |
Interpersonal Communication is important because we use it everyday. You'll find yourself communicating symbols, verbally or nonverbally! Most commonly in a dyad conversation, following the social rules to become a better communicator and maybe end up like me as a Communications Major!
Solomon, D. & Theiss,
J. (2013). Interpersonal Communication:
Putting Theory into Practice.
York, NY: Routledge.
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