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Figure 1: Ellie the sick Earth |
Hi there! Do you ever wonder what it would be like if we didn't have clean air? What if you couldn't play outside for recess because there are too many bad toxins in the air? What if after school you couldn't go to the playground with your friends? This could all happen if we do not take charge! Having clean air is so important to us and our environment because without it we would be constantly sick and breathing in bad chemicals and toxins into our body and even the earth could get destroyed. As you can see in figure 1, I started feeling sick lately and I don't want this to happen to you guys so we need to learn about what air pollution is and how we can help control it. Also to help me feel better... Well, let's get started!
What is Air Pollution?
Figure 2: Power Plant releasing toxic chemicals into air. |
Air pollution is when unwanted chemicals, gases, and particles enter the air and the atmosphere causing harm to animals and damaging the natural cycles of the Earth.There are two different types of air pollution and there are natural causes and human made causes. The natural causes of pollution come from forest fires, volcanic eruptions and dust storms. Natural causes are something that happened without any human involvement.The toxins are being released during the burning of the forest fires which than get realized into the air making it now polluted. Also the ash from the volcanic eruptions and the particles of dust go into the air to make it polluted on its own.Another type of air pollution is human causes. Human causes are often things such as factories, power plants, (see in figure 2) cars, airplanes and fumes from spray cans. When toxins are being released from each of those things they are now being put out in the open for us to get sick from. Which is frustrating to me because us as humans can help by reducing the way we use certain things so I can start to feel better! Now lets go learn about some health effects that can happen if I'm exposed to the polluted air any longer!
Health Effects
Healthy or not everyone can get![]() |
Figure 3: Normal vs: Polluted Lung |
Air pollution can effect our health
in many different ways. It can
make it very difficult for people
to breath and lead to long term
effects that can happen when
we get older. The health effects
of polluted air are lung cancer,
respiratory infections, and
heart disease. (1)Being around
polluted air longer and longer can
worsen your sickness and it is just not good for your body. As you can see in figure 3, they are
showing you the difference between a healthy lung
and what a lung looks like when it has been exposed
to polluted air. You can see a dramatic change and I
know I do not want my lungs to look like that! Now
lets learn what you can do to help me get better and help our environment get better!
How can YOU help?
I really need to start feeling better and back to
myself again and the only way that can happen is
for you to help me. Everyone wants to live a long
healthy life and the first thing we need to do is
reduce the amount of energy sources you are
using each day.Which is as simple as remembering
to turn off the lights when you leave the room or
turning off your computer when it is not being used.
That simple step might even have me feeling better
in no time! Another way you can help is by car
pooling to school with a neighbor. Also avoid burning leaves and trash! I need you take action now and
work with your families so that way we can all live
in a healthier cleaner environment!
References: Bhor, R. J., Damdhar, H., Kokate, G., Salve, M., & Andhale, S. (2016). A Overview on Current and Future Trends of Health and Environmental Effects of Air Pollution, Climate Change and By Various Gaseous Air Pollutants. Asian Journal Of Research In Chemistry, 9(8), 385-390. doi:10.5958/0974-4150.2016.00059.6.
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