Everyone's Favorite Toys

A company like Microsoft, (the producer of Xbox), uses companies from China to produce parts and operating systems for their products. These parts and pieces are then sent back to American to be put together and shipped to stores. Large tech companies also use other smaller companies to produce and develop games to use on their consoles. An example of this is Epic Games, the producer of the incredibly popular game Fortnite. Fortnite was developed by Epic then brought to larger companies like Microsoft and Sony to use on their devices. Companies use outsourcing for more than just toys too. Nike and Under Armour design the coolest new clothes in the United States then send the designs to countries like China and Taiwan to be made. When these companies use outsourcing techniques it saves the company money which means when you go to the store to get the newest games or clothing it is at a more affordable price.

Dolgui, A. & Proth, J.M. (2013)Outsourcing: Definitions and analysis. International Journal of Production Research,51(23), 6769-6777. DO1: 10.1080/00207543.2013.855338
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